Thursday 14 July 2011

yet again!!

Mumbai was attacked,Yet again.Incidentally "Yet again" is what times of India Printed on its front page.And then started the media circus,"How do you feel?" asked a reporter to a man that was hurriedly walking cause he was late for work."Scared" came the innocent reply and the man continued to walk.He didn't care about the about coming on TV for a little longer, how could he? he was late for work,he had a family to feed.But his answer was honest and innocent, he really was scared.But there wasn't much he could do about it. Skipping work is not an option and even if he does skip it today what about tomorrow? "This is the spirit of Mumbai" said the reporter proudly maybe the reporter is from Mumbai,even i felt proud being born in Mumbai,but the very next second i didn't like that spirit so much.Isn't this the same spirit that the terrorists exploit every time they attack us?Every time there is a bomb blast they know that we are not going to do anything ,we are not going to retaliate.Not because we are spineless,its because we have jobs and family,and that's why we elect a government and expect them to retaliate. 
 "We were safe for 21 months, weren't we?,the last attack happened 21 months ago right" said the Home minister
"Its not possible to prevent all the attacks,2 or 3 are bound to happen " said an MP
 I don't expect much from the ministers after such comments,how can i? the next elections is are after 18 months.All i can do is pack my bags and get ready for work cause i have a family, and my boss will kill me if i am late, and pray that the remaining 2 attacks as mentioned by the respected MP doesn't happen today and i come home safe, YET AGAIN

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